BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Loaded Dog Rally, Tarago Showground, Tarago NSW

Loaded Dog Rally, Tarago Showground, Tarago NSW

  • 10 May 2014
  • 10:00
  • 11 May 2014
  • 15:00
  • Tarago Showground, Braidwood Rd Tarago NSW
The Loaded Dog Rally is only 72km from Canberra via sealed roads and catered.  What more could you need as an introduction to rallying?  Need a map?

$20 pre-paid / $23 at the gate includes badge.  Firewood, toilets and hot food available with catering by the Tarago Show Society.

A 'gold coin donation' bus runs to the Loaded Dog Hotel down the road that serves dinner. 

Phone Jim or Lynne 0432 215 072 or email  Pre-paid entries cheque/money order to JW Wadsworth PO Box 311 Fyshwick ACT 2609 or email for account details and pay by direct deposit.
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