BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • MRAACT Annual Toy Run

MRAACT Annual Toy Run

  • 14 Dec 2013
  • 08:00 - 12:00
  • Old Parliament House, Barton, ACT
It's that time of year again. The Motorcycle Riders Association of the ACT (MRAACT) are supporting the  Salvation Army and St John's Care in the annual Christmas Toy Run, in aid of children and families less fortunate than most of us.


Toy Run Donations. Donations of toys, non-perishable foodstuffs & cash are most welcome. Check out the MRAACT web site here.

Motorcycle Jacket Donation. Also, Club members are encouraged to bring along any old or "surplus-to-requirements" motorcycle jackets to the toy run, for handing over to the Salvos. The jackets are intended as cold weather clothing for the homeless.
The occasion kicks off as usual in front of Old Parliament House (OPH), at 8 AM with bacon & eggs & coffee for breakfast.

Come along and support this worthy effort and present a big BMWMCCACT presence as well.
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