BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Alternative Breakfast - Paragon Cafe, Goulburn

Alternative Breakfast - Paragon Cafe, Goulburn

  • 07 Apr 2013
  • 08:30
  • BP Servo, cnr Federal Hwy & Antill St, Watson, ACT

April's Alternative Breakfast is at the Paragon Cafe, Goulburn.

Assemble at the BP Service Station, cnr Federal Hwy & Antill St, Watson, for a group departure at 8:30 AM.

After breakfast, a ride around the region will follow for those keen to complete the day on the bike. Proposed route is N to Oberon (fuel), SW to Rockley (lunch, Club House Hotel), Trunkey Creek, S to Crookwell, Gunning, Canberra. See route details here ... All up, just on 400 kms.

RSVP to Steve Hay, Social Secretary, on

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