Update 20 October - Ride rescheduled to 19th November (potential for heavy rain in full catchments along route to cause renewed riverine, creek and flash flooding from 19th -23rd October) and route changed from Tumbarumba to Tumut.
Update 13 October – See Note at end of Text
If you don’t mind getting up at the crack of dawn for a longer day of riding (~530km), then why not join the Club for a panoramic ride through the Snowy Mountains foothills to lunch at the Union Hotel in Tumbarumba?
Outbound via the Barton and Hume Hwys to Gundagai (coffee/rest stop), where we thankfully leave the straight roads and pick up some nice riding roads, climbing up to Tumut via Gocup Rd, then through to Batlow via the Snowy Mtn Hwy and Batlow Rd and onto Tumbarumba for lunch. Return via retracing our steps along Batlow Rd before heading off left (before Batlow) onto Green Hills Access Rd to pick up winding Wondalga Rd, then re-joining Batlow Rd to retrace our run back to Tumut and Gundagai (coffee/rest stop), before finding the Hume Hwy for the straight run home.
Google Maps
Approximately 530 km on sealed main and secondary roads.
Those with an urge to enjoy some gravel or dirt could take the unsealed route/s from Canberra to Tumut, as well as back home from Tumut.
Regroup points along the way to be decided on the day. Fuel is available in Gundagai and Tumut.
Meet fuelled and ready to go at the Ampol, Curran Drive, Nicholls (Gold Creek), for a prompt 08:00 departure (it’ll be a long day). Please email Rides@bmwmcc.org.au if you plan to meet the group on the way, e.g. at Gundagai, Tumut or Tumbarumba.
Register if you're interested in coming so we can let the Pub know likely numbers for lunch.
Note: I rode the proposed route (11th October) to see if any dodgy road surfaces suggested a need to tweak the planned route:
Hume Hwy: 6km contraflow south of Jugiong, speed mostly reduced to 80 km/hr, with a couple of short 40 km/hr and 60 km/hr sections (resurfacing of northbound lanes).
Gundagai: Took the South Gundagai exit off the Hume Hwy to avoid roads closed in town due to flooding (paddocks under the Sheahan Bridge had turned into a huge lake).
Gocup Rd: Overall good once out of Gundagai, with a few potholed sections. Some affected sections are under repair with traffic lights/controllers, but no major delays.
Tumut - Gocup Rd & Snowy Mtns Hwy (Capper St) intersection: Major intersection upgrade in progress. 5-10 minute delays experienced in each direction.
Tumut to Tumbarumba - Batlow Rd (Snowy Valleys Way): Bumpy leaving Tumut but overall good once out of Tumut. Some short sections of disintegrating or raised surfaces, as well as chains of potholes (similar to some of our local roads). All clearly visible and easy to navigate around without crossing the centre line. As expected, a few logging trucks on this road.
Tumbarumba to Wondalga - Green Hills Access and Wondalga Rds: A very different landscape post the 2019-2020 bushfires, with clear views from the ridgeline to the distant ranges. Overall in good condition (sealed with edge and centre line marking). With the forests no longer there (or at low height), visibility is truly great through the multiple twisties for an enjoyable ride back to Tumut. Hardly any traffic but logging trucks (at speed) do use this road and there can be muck and debris where they turn out onto the road.
Note: If we’re alright for time on the 22nd, an option to consider on the day is picking up Courabyra Rd from Tumbarumba onto Wondalga Rd for an extra 20km or so of back road twisties.
It was a good ride on a clear, warm day, with less road surface damage than I had expected. All roads were dry (the roads went over, rather than through, causeways and floodways!) and clear (no muck/mud). The planned route doesn’t seem to warrant changes at this stage; however, always happy to consider suggestions if there are concerns (please email Rides@bmwmcc.org.au).