BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • BCCM Live October 2021 (Munich time CEST)

BCCM Live October 2021 (Munich time CEST)

  • 30 Oct 2021
  • 03:00
  • Online webinar

BMW Ag Club & Community Management (BCCM) will host our third BCCM Live Session on Friday, October 29th, 6:00 pm CEST.  (October 30, 0300 AEDT).

This time, the first 30 minutes will be held in German, the second half of the meeting will be for all our English-speaking participants. If you want to join, please follow the link:

BCCM Live October 2021

How does it work?
As always, we set up a MS Teams Meeting, please share the link above your club members. In order to have the best possible quality, we kindly ask you to deactivate your camera and also mute your microphones. There will be time for Q&A during the meeting and you can send your questions via chat.

What will the sessions be about?
We want to keep it casual. Therefore, it´s just us members of the BCCM that will give you updates on news from the network, the BMW Group and other things that are keeping us busy. Next Friday’s topics will include:

  • Event Reviews 
  • Upcoming Events
  • Previews of Club benefits
  • Good-to-know facts for Clubs
  • Close-up with special vehicles in the BMW collection

We will keep it simple: No Studio, spectacular camera angles or sophisticated graphics.  As the format is still pretty new, we kindly ask for your understanding in case something should not work 100%. There will be always room for improvement and we also want to learn in every session what is most relevant for you.

We are pretty sure, we will have a good time, at least that is the feedback we received from the last two sessions.  “BCCM Live” should become an established element within the BMW Club world – as an addition. Because we all know: Nothing beats a personal encounter.

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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