BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • Ride around the Capital - Short Notice Day Ride TS 1 -2 (Club Event)

Ride around the Capital - Short Notice Day Ride TS 1 -2 (Club Event)

  • 12 Jan 2020
  • 09:00 - 14:00
  • Old Parliament House start


Join the Club for a ride around the Capital, and lunch at the George Harcourt Hotel, Gold Creek.

Meet at Old Parliament House at 0900 fuelled and ready to leave at 0930.

Since the Capital Rally has been cancelled this can be a substitute if you are looking for a nice Sunday ride around the Capital.

Here is the Kurviger GPX file

A quick spin around the capital...

Meet at Old Parliament House, head over to Queanbeyan, down to Tharwa and then head out past Uriarra Village to Yass. From Yass we will head on out to Sutton from Murrembateman and then head to Gold Creek and Lunch at the George Harcourt.

If there is enough interest from the GS crew we can head out on some dirt roads to and from Yass.

If we dont get enough interest we can run this later on in the year.

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