BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • BMWMCCACT May Monthly General Meeting (Club Event)

BMWMCCACT May Monthly General Meeting (Club Event)

  • 27 May 2017
  • 08:30
  • Repco Tuggeranong, 56/58 Athllon Dr, Tuggeranong


Registration is closed

This is a Saturday Meeting

The May Club monthly meeting will be held in the Repco Tuggeranong carpark (across the road from Dept. Human Services Caroline Chisholm offices).

The meeting will start with breakfast from ~0830 and tyre repair demonstration after 0900, so some help in setting up would be appreciated form 0800.

The meeting theme will be the temporary plug or patch repair of tubeless and tubed tyres when your next travelling 'on the road'.  Have a trick, tip or special kit then bring it along to the meeting and share them with members. 

Repco Manager Mark is supporting our meeting by offering discounts on tyre repair products purchased in store at the meeting, so what better incentive to get up on a Sunday.

For $5 you can purchase a egg 'n' bacon roll and espresso coffee.  Additional coffee or tea $2.  A ride will be organised after for those so inclined.

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