BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


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  • UPDATED - Overnight Ride to Yerranderie (Club Event)

UPDATED - Overnight Ride to Yerranderie (Club Event)

  • 18 Feb 2017
  • 09:30
  • 19 Feb 2017
  • 16:00
  • Depart from Caltex Servo Kings Hwy, Queanbeyan


  • This is an alternate venue to the earlier planned Blue Waterholes ride and changed due to road and access conditions.

    Camping is $14pp cash at the park; there is no EFTPOS.

Registration is closed

UPDATE 14 FEB 17 - New Route & Venue 

Join the Club for an overnight ride to the abandoned mining town within Yerranderie Regional Park.  Part of the greater Blue Mountains National Park and administered by NSW NPWS.

Post Office Lodge, Yerranderie Regional Park. Photo: D Campbell/NSW Government

This is a self catered camp so you will need everything after Crookwell (refuel) and last supplies at Taralga.  There are no supplies in Yerranderie other than water.

Camping at Yerranderie is $14 per person with grassed camping, amenities (hot/cold shower & toilets) and firewood provided.  Cash only with no EFTPOS facilities!

The caretaker laughed at my rain & boggy roads inquiry, but based on previous experience the road in is suited to moderate adventure riders with plenty of rocky outcrops.  Bring the camera as the 'town' is well worth the visit.

A Google route map is here and one for the those with Garmin or Tom Tom navigators and weather forecast for Bathurst is here, noting Yerranderie is a bit higher ~1100m so the overnight temps can be cooler.

Departure will be Caltex Servo Queanbeyan 0930 for the ride up to Sutton, Gunning and Crookwell (fuel); morning tea/lunch in Taralga and on to Yerranderie.  Not the usual Red Rooster.

Please use the pre-registration form so the Club knows who to expect.  Previous registrants need to re-register.

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