BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra


 Official BMW Club                                                                                                                                Member Club

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  • 2015 German Autoday (Club Event)

2015 German Autoday (Club Event)

  • 20 Sep 2015
  • 10:00 - 15:00
  • Patrick White Lawns in front of National Library of Australia, Parkes ACT


Registration is closed

Updated 28 August 2015

The 2015 German Autoday will be held on Patrick White Lawns in front of the National Library with access off Parkes Way, the same location as last year.  In the event of wet weather and lawns closed, we will relocate to the Treasury carpark, 1 Langton Crescent.


Please note we are on grass.  Whilst the lawn area is quite form, those on sports or heavier BMW's may benefit from having something to enlarge their side stand footprint.  A piece of timber or metal plate for example.

To encourage attendance your Club will pay the $5 per BMW Motorcycle owned and entered by a financial member.  There is no actual charge for riders, pillions or public attending the show.

NCA Permit.  Read the permit or this summary.  (1) You must display a permit or run the risk of a fine (our Club will issue you the permit, so make sure you get one); (2) Cars need to have drip trays, so check your bike doesn't need one (or fine); (3) Don't damage anything (or fine); and (5) last one, the NCA will be patrolling the lawn area and surrounding streets for non-permitted activity (and issuing fines).

We haven't had any issues in the past and provided we all play by the NCA rules this year should be no different.  The NCA has oft repeated the caution on parking legally to the organisers and reinforced here.  If you are parking outside the event, check where you have parked and 

The only award up for grabs will be the Organising Committee's Choice Award, so turn up with your new, used, young or old BMW and tell the public about your pride and joy and why you choose to ride BMW.

The BMWMCC Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.  Read Why or email  © BMW Motorcycle Club Canberra Inc. (BMWMCC) 2021.  We changed names from BMW Motorcycle Club ACT.  
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