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  • VVCMCCACT Annual Gluhwein Rally

VVCMCCACT Annual Gluhwein Rally

  • 17 Aug 2014
  • 09:30
  • Casuarina Sands, Cotter, ACT.

The Veteran, Vintage & Classic Motorcycle Club of the ACT (VVCMCCACT) are holding their 2014 Annual Gluhwein Rally at the Casuarina Sands picnic area, on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River, Cotter, ACT, on Sunday, 17th August. Kick off is with a breakfast from 9:30 AM.

There will be the usual hot breakfast of egg and bacon rolls, hot soups, tea/coffee. And after the run to Corin dam and back, there'll be a BBQ and their famous hot Gluhwein. The victuals are usually provided on a gold coin donation basis.

For any in doubt, Casuarina Sands is located at Google Maps ref ...
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